Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Thanks for first responders!

Here in northern California, wildfire has become an unfortunate part of our lives. Signs are up in many locations thanking firefighters and other first responders for their amazing work. I couldn't agree more. The crowds of workers who have come to help have not been able to save every home or even every community, but they've done outstanding work in saving so much and so many lives. I am grateful.

This past week, I had even more personal reasons for gratitude. Early one morning, I felt uneasy and went into the kitchen hoping to settle my stomach. One moment, I was at the kitchen counter opening a can of seltzer water. The next, I was waking up on the floor wondering what happened. 

When my husband saw my condition, he called in reinforcements. I had the opportunity to meet a handful of firefighters, an ambulance crew, and a number of folks on two different shifts in the Emergency Department at our local hospital. 

All of these fine first responders treated me with respect, sensitivity and total kindness. No one berated me for the unwise decisions that probably led to my circumstance. All were professional, thorough, and completely, totally kind. I couldn't have asked for better treatment.

I came home that same morning and have done very well in healing, The results are not pretty, but I have no doubt I am on my way to full recovery. And as we approach the month of thanksgiving, I am more grateful than I can say for the wonderful folks who helped along the way. Thanks, First Responders!

Susan Aylworth is the author of more than 20 novels. The second book in her Christmas Town series, St. Nick Comes to Christmas Town, will be on sale for 99c early in November, and Book 3, Kisses and Kittens in Christmas Town, will be on 99c sale early in December. Over the Rainbow, a prequel to the Rainbow Rock Romances, is available free to everyone who subscribes to her newsletter on her website: susanaylworthauthor.com. Contact her on her Facebook author page or via susan.aylworth.author@gmail.com or join her on Twitter @Susan Aylworth. 


  1. So glad first responders were there to help and that you are doing okay.

  2. I'm glad you're okay, Susan and recovering.
