Hi, y'all! Before I sat down to write this post, I was discussing my upcoming release, Wrapped Up in Christmas Hope and some meddling grandmas who are in the story.
Grammy Claudia and Grandma Ruby saw some sparks between Andrew & Morgan and had no qualms about fanning the flames. It got me to thinking about my own grandparents. None of them were meddling. At least, if they were, they were so sly about it that I never noticed--which might be the case. I'm so blessed that I still have my grandma on my dad's side.She lives with my parents and is as sharp as ever. I'm positive that her memory is better than mine. I love to talk with her, ask stories about her childhood, and her life. Prior to my grandfather passing, my sister and I interviewed them and recorded it. I learned so many things that I now cherish knowing--such as that the first time she rode in a car was on her way to her wedding to my Papa. The driver had to pull over so she could throw up because she got car sick. She was convinced that everyone that she was pregnant because of that even though she wasn't. Or that on the day they met one of the first things she said to him was that he needed to go to church. I also never knew that while growing up she wanted to be a writer. Possibly silly little things, but I truly treasure those tidbits about their lives. In Wrapped Up in Christmas Hope, Andrew has cherished memories with his Grandma Ruby such as their singing Elvis songs together and how she's a great cook. Morgan recalls spending Christmases with her Grammy Claudia and those memories give her the warm fuzzies. Like them, I have some great memories with my grandmothers (and grandfathers). What are some of your favorite memories of your grandparents? Were you grandparents meddlers? Or, if you're a grandma, like me now (woot! woot!) are you a meddler?
Wrapped Up in Christmas Hope coming October 26, 2021 from Hallmark Publishing
Buy Your Copy HERE
USA Today, Wall Street Journal, & Publishers Weekly Bestselling author JANICE LYNN lives in Tennessee with her Prince Charming and their princes and princesses, her vivid imagination, an adorable Maltese named Halo who's the true royalty of the house, and bunches of unnamed dust bunnies that moved in after Janice started her writing career. In addition to writing romance, Janice is a nurse practitioner, a quilter, an exercise queen, a military mama, and an avid supporter of the Quilts of Valor Foundation. Just kidding on the exercise queen. www.janicelynn.com WRAPPED UP IN CHRISTMAS & WRAPPED UP IN CHRISTMAS JOY are available at AMAZON Barnes & Noble WALMART
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