I was probably a late adopter of the smoothie. I've only
been making them for a few years. But this summer I'm having one for supper nearly
every evening. It's a tasty, healthful, and filling meal if I do it right.
In recent months, I learned a couple of new-to-me things about preparing my smoothie.
One is that if you're going to include oats, be sure to soak them for
at least eight hours. I soak mine in 1% cow's milk mixed with nonfat Greek yogurt. After all that lovely soaking, the oats are delightfully creamy.
The other game-changer for me was the addition of an ingredient
that makes the smoothie so…um…smooth.
Also beautifully thick and rich and fantabulous.
It's an ingredient I love but hadn't used in a sweet
Have you already guessed it?
An avocado. YUM.
Any time I eat an avocado on its own, it seems I'm doing
something decadent. To me, it's almost like eating butter.
Not that I've ever eaten butter on its own…okay, yes I have.
It's a very bad idea. Do NOT eat a pat of butter as a snack! *Sigh*
Oops. Sorry. Back to the smoothie.
My evening smoothie varies. These days I try to space out my grocery trips, preferably making the trek every two weeks or so. Toward the end of that time, the avocados are gone. Which
just makes me love them more once they're back in my fridge, of course.
Last summer I used raw spinach in smoothies quite often, and
sometimes a teaspoon or so of flaxmeal.
I almost always include frozen organic
blueberries. They're so beautiful, aren't they?
Frozen banana halves are also a frequent ingredient. Last week I sliced and froze some peaches.
And I usually add a drop or two of vanilla extract or almond extract, just because.
Since I always have fruit in the smoothie, I seldom add any sweetener. Back in my spinach days (last summer), I often added a teaspoonful or so of local honey.
Do you like smoothies? What are your favorite ingredients?
In my book, Midnight in Legend, TN, the heroine owns a
swanky coffee and crafts shop. To celebrate a new town festival, she creates a
special coffee drink (yes, I know, not a smoothie). The result, Legend by Starlight, is served in a stemmed
mug similar to the one pictured here.
Happy reading - and happy smoothie-ing.
USA Today Bestselling Author Magdalena Scott is a practicing minimalist, having downsized from a 3,000 square foot house to a studio apartment, where her Giant Closet continues to resist taming. When not writing at home or spending time with family and friends, she loves to travel–carry-on baggage only–and is always pleasantly surprised at the kindness of strangers.
Website: https://magdalenascott.com/