Friday, July 31, 2020

What is the Sweet Street Team?

A STREET TEAM is a group of readers who enjoy reading AND REVIEWING an author's books. Usually the author sends the reader/reviewer an ARC, an Advanced Reading Copy (almost always an ebook copy). This way the reviewer can read and review the new book and be prepared to leave a review when the book debuts.

You'll notice that above is a tab labeled: "Sweet Street Team." Click it and read all that you need to know about this. Our Sweet Street Team meets on Facebook. However, if you aren't on Facebook, you can leave your name and email here in a comments. And one of our authors will contact you.

To keep away spammers who comb the net for email addresses, write it like this username(at)emailprovider(dot)com Example:

That is my address of course. '-) 

My alternate one is HA HA HA :-)

Anyway why not look into joining our Sweet Street Team?--Lyn Cote

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