As most of us celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends
today, imagine the relatives we have yet to meet. Who are they? What’s their
name? Where do they live?
It’s no secret I enjoy genealogy, and I incorporate
discoveries as plots in my Guilty/Jamieson Legacy series. I’ve uncovered
identities, scandals and even connected with black and white descendants. One particular
day, my family research took a surprising turn.
One of my kinfolks was sitting at the desk next to me. The
revelation came when she mentioned Sikeston, Missouri, a small city a few hours
from St. Louis.
I said, “I have cousins there,” and gave Annada my maiden name.
She had Coles in her family too. I started calling off names, but when I
mentioned elderly cousin Earl from Mobile, Alabama, the connection was made.
Annada got on the phone and called cousin “Goat,” someone I
had never heard of.
When I went home that night, I pulled up the family tree
chart and was able to connect the dots. The names she mentioned were
descendants of one of my grandfather’s many siblings.
Amazing. For years, I’ve tracked down kinfolks for my
genealogy research by visiting different cities, making strange phone calls,
and pouring over censuses and other documents from the 1800s.
It’s still mind boggling that a short term job assignment in
my home town brought me face-to-face to an unknown cousin.
A similar situation happened to another cousin in Chicago.
Birda had worked with a woman for years. When her coworker died, and she
attended the funeral, Birda was in for a shocker. The deceased was actually a
cousin. Imagine passing by a person every day and not knowing you’re related. Eerie.
When we told our supervisor about the discovery, she said,
“Keep it down, I’m not supposed to have relatives working in the same
That cracked both of us up. After all, we hadn’t been kin until
a day earlier.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone from some of my cousins after
church service this morning.
Pat is the multi-published author of more than thirty Christian titles, and is a three-time recipient of the Emma Rodgers Award for Best Inspirational Romance. She has been a featured speaker and workshop presenter at various venues across the country.
As a self-proclaimed genealogy sleuth, Pat is passionate about researching her ancestors and then casting them in starring roles in her novels. She describes the evidence of the gift of the Holy Ghost as an amazing, unforgettable, life-altering experience. God is the Author who advances the stories she writes.
Pat currently oversees the media publicity for the annual RT Booklovers Conventions. She has a B.S. in mass communications from Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts.
Pat converted her sofa-strapped, sports fanatic husband into an amateur travel agent, untrained bodyguard, GPS-guided chauffeur, and administrative assistant who is constantly on probation. They have a son and a daughter.
Her newest release is Love Led By the Spirit. Minister Rossi Tolliver is ready to settle down. Besides the outward attraction, he desires a woman who is sweet, humble, and loves church folks. Sounds simple enough on paper, but when he gets off his knees, praying for that special someone to come into his life, God opens his eyes to the woman who has been there all along. There’s a slight problem. Jesetta “Jet” Hutchens lives by her own set of rules. Love is the farthest thing from her mind. But Rossi, the man and the minister, is hard to resist. Is Jet ready to allow the Holy Spirit to lead her to love?