Tuesday, April 30, 2024

New Release from Laura Scott!


Good morning from Laura Scott! I hope spring has arrived where you live, we finally have sunshine and flowers blooming here in Wisconsin.

I'm thrilled to announce my new book Raelyn will release on May 7, 2024. This is the third book in my Oath of Honor series and it's available in ebook, audio and print formats!

Raelyn - $3.99

Oath of Honor – To protect and serve.

Secrets from the past…

Police Officer Raelyn Lewis knows church pastor, Isaiah Washington is holding back on the identity of the kids involved in a horrible police shooting. She demands answers, going as far as to slap cuffs on him. They barely step out of the church when gunfire erupts, bullets slamming uncomfortably close to the pastor. A second attack mere hours later, proves Isaiah is in danger. But why? Who would want to kill a church pastor?

Isaiah Washington wasn’t always a believer. He’d grown up in the hood and had broken the law more times than he cared to count. But he’d managed to turn his life around and accepts his duty is to save other kids, too. Raelyn doesn’t agree, they couldn’t be more opposite. But as they comb through the secrets of his past to uncover who is trying to kill him now, he dreams of a future, with her. Can he convince her to give their love a chance?

Amazon B&N Apple GooglePlay Kobo

Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Joy of Writing & Reading - Cheryl St.John


No mother should have to bury her child...
Amy Shelby had learned this sorrow well. Her heart had gone into the ground a year ago along with her boy's tiny casket. And not even her husband, Jesse, wrestling the same pain, could resurrect any hope in her.

Jesse Shelby mourned two losses—his baby son and his openhearted bride, for when their child died, Amy retreated behind a wall of grief as wide as the Nebraska prairie. But could a chance for a new family heal their wounded marriage—and guide them back to the comfort of each other's arms?


I was always a writer. As a child, I used to write stories, staple them into little books and draw the covers. As a teen I wrote stories on a Smith-Corona portable typewriter. My first rejection cam at age fifteen when I submitted a romantic short story to Redbook magazine. I still have that half-slip of paper form rejection in a file somewhere.

Even at that age, I imagined someone would love my story, and I’d see it in print. I thought the same every time I submitted poorly plotted and poorly-formatted manuscripts to real publishers. When I really dug in and got serious, I think my biggest hang-up was not thinking anyone would take me seriously. Who was I? I had a husband and four kids and wrote when they all went to bed at night. I had never taken a writing class, but I had read every out-of-date writing book in the public library. It was an immense joy to find the courage to join a group of writers and discover they were all people just like me, from all walks of life, and with a dream we shared.

Writing books to sell took a lot of work and dedication. Seeing my first books in print was that dream come true. Since those early days I’ve been fortunate to have learned from amazing editors, meet writers and readers from all walks of life, as well as writing craft books of my own, giving workshops and mentoring new writers. The writer/reader community is a joy to be part of. Still, with nearly four million books in print in over a dozen languages, it’s exciting to send a new story out into the world. I’ll probably always write, because ideas just never stop, and the desire to tell stories doesn’t fade.

Friday, April 26, 2024

All the Emotions...All at Once

What a month it's been! I've been in every time zone in the country and have experienced every likely emotion...all in the past month.

I left home on March 25 and flew to Detroit where I spent Spring Break week with my son Paul and his family--five beautiful people I love so much. From there, it was off to Oklahoma City to meet my new great-granddaughter, Gwen. She's the second in her generation and a treasure. 

Next, I flew to NorCal to pass the anniversary of my husband's death in the town he loved so much. We honored the day by decorating his niche in the mausoleum. April is probably my favorite month anywhere, but in Chico--the city where Roger and I spent nearly half a century and raised our family--it's magnificent. Dogwoods and azaleas bloomed everywhere, as if Nature chose to pay tribute, acknowledging the date.

While there, I spent time with my son John and his family as well as many dear friends I've missed--all before flying home to Utah.

The next week gave me almost enough time to play catch-up before relatives arrived for the wedding of my grandson, Tanis. His dad, Jared, came to stay with me together with his wife Sarah and their 13-month-old, Sam. Then Uncle Paul arrived from Michigan.

The wedding this past Tuesday was lovely, everything a romance novelist would hope for--except, of course, that my own companion could not be present to share the day with us. 

Since both Tanis and his bride Shae have Scottish ancestors and both enjoy all things Scott, the reception followed that theme. After the vows were said, my son led the bride and groom in a handfasting.

I'd heard of handfasting but had never seen one. Jared wrapped a cord around the joined hands of the new couple and declared this day a joining of two lives and two families. Then the bride and groom each caught hold of their end and pulled, successfully tying a knot--and yes, that's where we get that expression. 

The venue was decorated in black and white, but with all the guests sporting the tartans of their own clans, bright color filled the hall. I wore Montgomery plaid, honoring some of my Scott ancestors. 

It seems I've been everywhere in this past month and have felt everything from heartbreak to elation. As I look at the schedule, there's a brief break before the next round of adventures begins.  I think I'll take a nap.  ;-)

Susan Aylworth is the author of 25 published novels including two small-town sweet romance series set in and near the Navajo Nation and in the Sierra Nevada foothills. as well as five books in the Christmas Town series. Susan lives near Utah's Rocky Mountains. Watch for more books coming this summer and fall in both the Rainbow Rock and Christmas Town series. Contact her at her website: susanaylworthauthor.com,  or via susan.aylworth.author@gmail.com, also @SusanAylworth. Susan loves travel, music, her large and scattered family, perfect raspberry jam, and hearing from readers. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Dreams Do Come by Pat Simmons

I’ve been asked, if I wasn’t writing Christian novels, what would I do? I had a list of possibilities: become a certified genealogist, a child advocate, a St. Louis tour guide, and, at one time, a business owner.

A strip mall near my house had a thriving Kmart as an anchor store. When it closed in 2018, it was the last Kmart store in St. Louis County.

Since then, the building has been dormant, decaying, and begging for a new lease on life. I often imagined buying the building and calling it Simmons Sewing Store. With the mega space, I would sell fabric and notions, have a quilters' and knitters' corner, offer sewing lessons with a monthly fashion show where sewers could show their skills on the runway, and of course, have vendors who sell their crafts on consignment. I would hire residents from the community.

It was a dream that came true—not for me but for fellow author Kacie Starr Long. She is the founder and CEO of Sew Hope, located in another strip mall near me.

I dare any seamstress to walk out of her place empty-handed. Not possible. It’s an organized fabric hub and a community sewing room.

I realized what I imagined is exactly what Kacie did, and I’m happy for her. On a recent visit, I found her chatting with a customer. Then, she invited me to a monthly community sewing adventure, where I could bring my fabrics and supplies to cut and sew for eight dedicated hours to complete a project—no interruptions. I never thought of that!

I love Kacie’s concept and vision. Can’t wait to join the sewing community. Visit her at sewhopestl.com


Pat holds a B.S. in mass communications from Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts, and has worked in radio, television, and print media for over twenty years. She is on the Christian Book Lovers Retreat (CBLR) board as a publicist. Visit her at www.patsimmons.net.

 Check out her new release: Days Are Coming

I'm coming for the children.
Minister Jude Morgan has a strong relationship with the Lord but doesn’t know what the latest message
means. He is determined to intercede for his young mentee, Carlton Oliver, and children worldwide.
Nine-year-old Carlton wants to get to know his estranged dad, but at what cost? He’s about to discover many things he doesn’t know about the man who fathered him, and he’s on a mission to worship the Lord.
Sinclaire Oliver regrets getting her ex, Harrison Wakefield, involved in her life and that of his son Carlton. He’s more trouble than the monthly child support payments she had to sue for. She knows he’s angry but never expects it to take a dark turn. Sinclaire learns that God makes no mistakes, even when things don’t make sense.
As God sends His judgment on the earth, the devil plants decoys to distract the saints from their mission to be on guard. Is the world doomed, or is there room for redemption?

Monday, April 22, 2024

Camy Tang asks: How do you celebrate accomplishments?

I finished writing Sushi and Suspicions and turned it in! To celebrate, I ate my favorite peach jelly from Minamoto Kichoan!

I found that I always eat something special when I finish a book to celebrate an accomplishment. Do you celebrate with food, a special event (a trip, a concert, etc.), or something else?

Sushi and Suspicions will be releasing in June in the multi-author box set Summer Suspicions. Even though it’s a box set, each Christian Romantic Suspense novel in it is a full book, so it’s a great deal!

Preorder Summer Suspicions for only 99 cents!

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Wedding Favorites by Janice Lynn

My family has recently had a lot of changes with a wedding in late March and a new baby in early April! Exciting times! I could go on and on about either of these wonderful life events, but today weddings are what's on my mind. 
Weddings are a LOT of work, often requiring months and months of preparation. The bride does most of this work and sadly, she gets to see very little of the initial parts of the ceremony other than via video/pictures. I always find that a little sad, honestly. Which gets me to thinking about all the parts of a wedding that I adore. Celebrating love is my top thing I adore followed closely by so many others. I guess that makes sense as I'm a romance writer that my heart gets all warm and fuzzy at the way the bride and groom look at each other and express how they feel about one another. Sigh. It's just the best.

My next would be family! Weddings are such a wonderful reason for out of town family to visit. Having so many family members in town simultaneously it makes for a great opportunity to make photos. 
Another fun thing about weddings is an excuse to dress up. I've been to some fun casual weddings that I've enjoyed, but having a reason to dress up with the hubby is rather sweet. 
These are just a few of the many things I love about weddings. What are some of your favorites? What are your least favorite things about weddings? Mine would be the price tag. :)

Have you read Janice's latest release from Harlequin? It's available now from your favorite book retailer.


Barnes & Noble


USA Today, Wall Street Journal, & Publishers Weekly Bestselling author JANICE LYNN lives in Tennessee with her Prince Charming and their princes and princesses, her vivid imagination, an adorable Maltese named Halo who's the true royalty of the house, and bunches of unnamed dust bunnies that moved in after Janice started her writing career. In addition to writing romance, Janice is a nurse practitioner, a quilter, a military mama, and an avid supporter of the Quilts of Valor Foundation. www.janicelynn.com  The WRAPPED UP IN CHRISTMAS books are available at AMAZON Barnes & Noble WALMART & many other place where you buy books. WRAPPED UP IN CHRISTMAS LOVE is coming November 2024 from Tule Publishing


Friday, April 19, 2024

Reading To Reduce Stress by Merri Maywether

April is Stress Awareness Month. And I believe that between the lines, there is a secret message. It says: Hey, girl. Grab a book and read. It can be from a favorite author or an author that’s been waving from the tbr list. Take it to your favorite cozy spot and use the time to refresh your mind.

If your friends are anything like mine, a couple of them will throw a squinty eye your way. It’s the unspoken “It sounds like you’re trying to get out of washing the dishes.”  

I got you reader bestie. 

What’s coming next is a little list of why reading sweet romance has been proven to reduce stress. 

  1. When we read about people working through their problems it helps us visualize a happy outcome for our problems. 

  2. There isn’t enough gas or money or time to attend every small-town festival. Reading about them allows us to experience them from the comfort of home. 

  3. With all that’s going on in the world, sitting down for a bit and just being quiet is good for the mind. 

  4. Reading about characters growing through their problems is inspirational. It's the if they can do it, so can we method of motivation.

  5. Reading helps us connect with people.  We can share the funny scenes, or the intense scenes, or talk about the ways the author weaves a story. It's positive, insightful, and a sweet way to share a piece of what we like with others.

  6. Plain and simple–reading makes us happy. Happy readers smile and smiling is a proven stress reliever. 

This list was written for sweet romance readers, but truth be told, it applies to all genres. Books take readers' minds to places, giving them the chance to grow.

I’ve started off with a cheeky tone, but I’d like to take a minute to be authentic. Stress is real. The demands of our jobs, families, friends, and communities can get to be a bit much. If we don't deal with stress, it can get the best of us. Reading is just one of the tools in our box of healthy coping strategies. 

I’d love to hear what you do when life gets to be a bit much. It can be a story that brightened your day, or something you do when you need a break. 

Leave a comment below 💝


In my novel Cottage Cove Homecoming, Whitney walked when she felt like she needed space to work through her stress. One person joined her, and then another, and the habit grew into organizing a fun run. There's more to the story that leads to Whitney finding her happily ever after. 

I'll stop here so you can read Whitney and Conrad's love story. For the rest of April, Cottage Cove Homecoming will be available for 99¢.

This link >>> https://books2read.com/cottagecovehomecoming <<< will take you to your favorite online retailer.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

National Donate a Book Day by Merrillee Whren

Today is National Donate A Book Day. Over the years I have donated not only my books, but other books I have purchased and read to various causes and organizations. Every time we moved over the nearly 50 years of our marriage, I got rid of a lot of books. Some I donated to Friends of the Library for their sales. I have also donated books to nursing homes, women's shelters, and animal shelters. Sometimes I've given books to special requests for books for someone who is in need or for a fundraiser. 

I have also donated books to libraries for their collections. When I lived in a small town where the library was also small, I went into the library with a number of my books. They gladly took my books, as a local author, to add to their collection. I even took a photo with one of the librarians. 

Since we have moved to a larger metropolitan area, where the library system is much bigger with multiple locations, I have also donated large print hardcover copies of some of my books. However, the process was much different from the donation to a small local library. I had to submit my books to the person in charge of collections for approval. The books were accepted, and now I have books available in the library nearest my home.

I think it's a good idea to donate books and share the gift of reading. We need more readers in this world. Sadly, many Americans don't read much anymore. I also give away books, mostly ebooks, to my newsletter subscribers. If you haven't subscribed to my newsletter, you can do so here

Do you donate books?

Merrillee Whren is the winner of the 2003 Golden Heart Award presented by Romance Writers of American. She is married to her own personal hero, her husband of forty-plus years, and has two grown daughters. Connect with her on her Facebook page and sign up for her newsletter.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Daufuskie Dreams: Setting out on a Gullah Journey by Josie Riviera

Welcome to Daufuskie Island, where time slows down, and the rhythms of Gullah culture come to life. This inviting getaway off the South Carolina coast is more than an island; it's a testament to the resilience and creativity of the Gullah people, descendants of West African slaves. These people were brought to work on the plantations of the American South, and founded communities in the Sea Islands, particularly Daufuskie.

I live in the Charlotte, North Carolina, area, which is about four hours away from Hilton Head Island.

When my family and I visit Daufuskie, we board a ferry from Hilton Head Island to Daufuskie, which takes about an hour. The ferry runs four times a day. Once we get there, wandering the sandy path beneath moss-draped oaks is one of my favorite ways to explore the island. Or, you can rent a golf cart.

The Gullah language, a creole rooted in West African languages, is a link to the past, inviting you to be a part of history when you visit.

If you peek through the local galleries and workshops, you'll see artisans craft sweetgrass baskets and wooden carvings, each piece telling a story of the Gullah way of life. On Daufuskie, tradition meets innovation.

Stay tuned for my next blog post, where I'll delve deeper into the fascinating world of Gullah culture on Daufuskie Island.

I'm thrilled that my sweet beach romance novel, Pink Coral Island, is available on Kindle Vella. I was thrilled to explore this episodic format, and hope you'll enjoy it, too.

I spent many months researching this book and the Gullah culture, which takes place on a fictional island off the South Carolina coast. The culture is an important part of the book, and becomes almost like another character.

Kindle Vella is available here, and the first three episodes are free! Start reading today.

Josie Riviera is a USA Today bestselling author of contemporary, historical, and inspirational romances that read like Hallmark movies. She lives in the Charlotte, NC, area with her wonderfully support husband. They share their home with an adorable Shih Tzu, who constantly needs grooming, and live in an old house forever needing renovation.

Sign up for her newsletter and get a FREE ebook on her website: josieriviera.com

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Are you a pet person? by Christine Bush

Are you a pet person?

I love pets.  Most pets (mostly ones that have fur or hair, not so fond of snakes and lizards, I must admit).

So it only comes naturally to include pets in my sweet romance novellas on many occasions.

In “Hannah’s Heart”, our tough-guy hero who is rehabbing a damaged leg shows his true colors by rescuing puppies on crutches during a snow storm.  Who can’t love that guy?

Amazon.com: Hannah's Heart eBook : Bush, Christine: Kindle Store

In “Lucy’s Laugh” our heroine volunteers at a horse farm that provides remedial riding for the handicapped, and encourages our hero to join the ranks.  Fun!

Amazon.com: Lucy's Laugh eBook : Bush, Christine: Kindle Store

In “Christmas with the Cat Lady”, our hero comes to stay in a mountain farm house, arranged by his panicked editor when he suffers from writer’s block due to grief.  But the woman who owns the house rescues cats, and they are EVERYWHERE.  He had NO idea how soothing and healing a cat can be.

In “Kelly’s Kiss” our heroine works with organizations that train service dogs for disabled vets.  Our hero needs a dog, and he’s frustrated with the complicated process to be approved for one.  So he uses his military skills to track her down, and sets about changing her mind. And that means he has to HELP her with her canine brood, and he learns more than he ever expected.

Kelly's Kiss: A sweet romance novella - Kindle edition by Bush, Christine. Romance Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.

Check them out, all available in print or download. I’d love to hear what you think!


Love,   Christine


Christine Bush is a USA Today Bestselling author of romance, romantic mystery, and suspense.  She can be found living in the Lehigh Valley in Pennsylvania with her husband and 2 lazy cats, and spending time with her 14 grandchildren.   When she’s not writing, she’s teaching Psychology at a local college, and working with clients in her private practice as a Marriage and Family Therapist. She loves to hear from readers and writers!




Sunday, April 7, 2024

You Talked Me into It ~ Jean C. Gordon

According to Statista, 53% of Americans have listened to at least one audiobook as of 2023, up nearly 10% since 2020. I have to admit that I am not one of them. I'm very visual and not sure how much I would enjoy hearing a book. But that's just me, and I know many readers really like them. So ta-da, I've released my two newest books in audio format on Amazon.

How about you? Have you tried any audiobooks? What did you think? Pros/cons?


The Hopeless Romantics of Willow Ridge series are sweet, small-town contemporary romances. Each book is a standalone and can be read individually or as part of the series. Can their book boyfriends lead a book club of hopeless romantics to a real happily ever after?

Sorcha Laurent’s family-owned distillery has become her whole life. A far cry from where she’d expected to be when she’d left school with her newly minted MS in Chemistry and a sparkling new engagement ring on her finger. The family-business emergency that brought her home to the small-town of Willow Ridge has cost her a fiancée and her dream job in medical research. Now she’s at the end of the five-year agreement to manage the family distillery. Sorcha is ready to get back to having a life of her own. It’s time to throw in the bar towel and figure out what new dream might replace the one she lost. Little does she suspect that dream might involve potential business rival and swoon-worthy scholar, Ross Campbell.

A former Scotland National Rugby team player Ross Campbell is on track to his dream job, a professorship at his alma mater Edinburgh University. All he has left is to finish his doctoral thesis, while earning a few bona fides as a history teacher at an exclusive boys school outside Savannah. The fact that people here in the States accept him for himself, not as a former rugby star nor an heir to the Campbell Beverage conglomerate, is only frosting on the cake. And there’s no overbearing grandfather around pushing him to join the family corporation. Ross expects all things to continue according to plan, but meeting fiery Sorcha draws him down an unexpected and surprisingly enjoyable path.

When Ross catches Sorcha’s eye at the Savanah Scottish Games because he looks just like her historical romance book boyfriend, little do they know where their chance meeting will lead. A 50-year-old connection between her grandmother and his grandfather. A centuries-old mystery about a rumored stolen whisky recipe. Feelings that neither have experienced before and don’t know how to handle.

Will Sorcha and Ross’s research sessions take them beyond solving the recipe mystery and their intertwined ancestry to true love? Can they break free of family obligations and interference to live their dreams in a future together?



Fiona Campbell can’t believe that her Hopeless Romantics of Willow Ridge book club is reading a romance with a rock star hero. Let alone a story that mirrors her younger years in Scotland. Younger years that the friends she’s made since moving to the States and taking on a partnership in Euans’s Distillery know nothing about. Moreover, she’s recently learned “her” rock star is a hometown boy.

Kyle McCabe is about to do something he’d vowed never to do: bring back his band, the one he destroyed with his personal downward spiral 15 years ago – Rebel Picts. It’s for a good cause, a benefit concert at the Willow Ridge summer festival to help the family of his deceased best friend and bandmate. Little did he know when he agreed to the concert that the cause of that spiral, Fee Campbell, now lives in Willow Ridge.

Initially, Kyle isn’t ready to forgive Fee’s youthful desertion that exploded their college relationship. When he needed her most, she abandoned him and the band and broke his heart. But as they work together on the concert and reviving the band, adult trust and love take root. That is until Fee repeats her teenage dump-and-run behavior.

As Fiona confronts her hidden history, she and Kyle must navigate a labyrinth of old wounds and new feelings. Will they overcome the shadows of their past mistakes to embrace a future together? Uncover the magic of forgiveness and second chances in this heartwarming tale of love rediscovered.


  For My New Releases and
  To See What I'm Up To:

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Spending Easter weekend in three states....and a free e-book for you!

Did you travel anywhere for Easter, or were you at home? 

Usually, our family holiday celebrations are at our house, and I do love all the food prep and having everyone gathered under our roof.  We might have 20-25 people, and it is such a joy to have them all here. 

But this year was quite a change! On our way to Minnesota, we dropped off Easter baskets for our two-year-old granddaughter at our daughter and son-in-law's home in this state. 

We spent a Good Friday in the Twin Cities (MN) to take my brother out for his birthday dinner. Then we drove onward to Wisconsin for church and Easter dinner with our oldest son and his family. What fun!  

After my parents passed away, my husband and I then became the hub for holiday celebrations, so such travel is now rare.
I just pray that our kids and their families will still gather for at least some of the holidays when we are gone. It's tricky though, since they all have in-laws to visit as well.  

How does your extended family handle the various holidays?

I just had a brand-new release this week, FINAL TRUTH.  

A lot of you helped me decide on the cover art, and now here it is!  I really enjoyed writing this one, as the llama definitely added a different dimension.   :)

CLICK HERE to see it on Amazon and read about it.
I hope you will enjoy it!

Leave a comment, and you will be in a drawing for a free copy of FINAL WITNESS, another book in this series.

Wishing you all my best for a wonderful spring,

Roxanne Rustand