Sure, the weather has been cold, and there's ice and snow, but we live in an apartment and work at home, meaning if we don't want to go out, we don't.
And since we have the dandy insulated pop-ins I made last month for our big windows, we've saved energy and reduced our electric bill while still being cozy.
"What then could be the problem in this idyllic world?" you ask, "besides the fact that it is inhabited by a soft-hearted woman and a high-strung cat?"
Our downhill slide began with the shredding truck. Attila, my Kitten from Heck, freaked out when he heard the grinding sound. This surprised me, because we live in a noisy neighborhood--the kind of noisy neighborhood that is only quiet on Sunday morning. So I was taken off guard by his anxiety, and even more that it Lasted. All. Day.
We're talking about six hours or so of crying and pacing. Nothing helped, and I tried everything I could think of. Finally early in the evening, he settled down and rested. I expected him to sleep well, and he did. Instead of walking across me from time to time, he lay in one spot against my leg all night. I woke up before he did.
Today, mid-morning he got that round-eyed, freaked-out look again, and when I checked out the window, the garbage truck was just pulling away. Pace, cry, rub, pace, cry...
Fortunately he needed his annual shots, so we went to the vet. Nothing seemed physically wrong with him, and the vet told me about a plug-in diffuser of cat pheromones that might calm him down. Without asking the cost, I bought the thing. Amazing results so far, though we're only talking about a couple of hours' use. And no shredding or garbage trucks have been near as far as I know. (I don't hear these things any more--just part of living on a busy street.)
It is interesting timing that last night I took my first yoga class. Thank goodness for it, because it erased a lot of stress. (There was even more stress this week--the people kind--but no need to discuss that here.) I was so relaxed after the class, that once I sat in my big recliner, I wasn't sure I could get up again. Good stuff.
I sure hope Attila and I can stay on track. I didn't intend to write about him this month, but yet again he shoved himself into the center of the universe. He's talented that way. So what do you think-- I stick with the yoga? I'm starting to think of it as a self-defense class.

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