Saturday, February 14, 2015

Winter Walks by Alicia Street

We’ve had our share of snow in the northeastern US this year, and I really like it. Walking in the snow is great for musing over elements in the current novel I’m writing or else savoring one I’ve just read. Cold crisp air never fails to sharpen my senses, wake up my brain cells, and refresh my computered-out eyes.

I also love seeing the way pets act in the snow. They have a good time outside as long as they have a nice home to come back to, just like people. But when I think of the strays out there braving the harsh elements, it breaks my heart. I’m grateful for the local rescue groups and also national ones like the Animal Rescue Site where you can help feed and rescue strays with a simple click.

 On one winter walk, I found a stray cat I named Wallace. He was only a swollen-bellied kitten then, but he is now eighteen years old. And he doesn’t much like going out in the cold anymore. At this point in his life, he’d rather do most of his thinking while napping on a sofa pillow.
Do you like walking in the snow? 


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Alicia Street is a USA Today bestselling author and a Daphne du Maurier award-winner. She often writes in collaboration with her husband, Roy, and is grateful to have the kind of marriage that proves romance novel love really exists. You can connect with Alicia at her websiteFacebook or Twitter.


  1. Yikes! You guys are getting hammered with snow! I wonder if we're going to get it in March and April (in Minnesota). That's usually our snowy time.

    I love the happy-ever-after story of your kitty. Your doggie looks so sweet! But then, I'm a sucker for a furry face. I've been feeding a homeless kitty for about 2.5 years now and he's got so much fur he looks like a mini-polar bear.

  2. Hi, Denise! Yes, we're supposed to get even more snow tomorrow. But I've heard you have really cold winters in Minnesota.
    Regards to the mini-polar bear!

  3. I'm cold when it's 60o! God Bless Florida.

  4. I like the snow up until Dec. 26 - then I'm ready for spring! Stay warm!

    1. You're like my husband--- he says he'd like to have winter until New Year's Day, then go somewhere warm until April.

  5. I like to visit snow once a year, but I'd prefer a walk on a warm beach.

  6. Not when it's as cold as it is now! High of minus 2 today!
