Friday, July 23, 2021

Celebrate July 24th ~ Posted for @PatSimmons

 These holidays are celebrated on July 24th:

  • Amelia Earhart Day 
  • Cousins Day 
  • International Self-Care Day 
  • National Day of the Cowboy - July 24, 2021 (Fourth Saturday in July)
  • National Drive-Thru Day 
  • National Drowning Prevention Day - July 24, 2021 (Fourth Saturday in July)
  • National Tequila Day 
  • National Thermal Engineers Day 
  • National Water Gun Fight Day - July 24, 2021
  • Pioneer Day (State Holiday in Utah) 
  • Tell an Old Joke Day

Which holidays will YOU be celebrating?

Knock-knock. Who’s there? Broccoli. Broccoli who? Broccoli doesn’t have a last name, silly!

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Sweet Romance Reads Author Pat Simmons has a handful of 99 cent ebooks available. Here's one of them:

Candace Clark has a phobia about crossing the street, and for good reason. As fate would have it, her daughter’s principal assigns her to crossing guard duties as part of the school’s Parent Participation program. With no choice in the matter, Candace begrudgingly accepts her stop sign and safety vest, then reports to her designated crosswalk. Once Candace is determined to overcome her fears, God opens the door for a blessing, and Royce Kavanaugh enters into her life, a firefighter built to rescue any damsel in distress. When a spark of attraction ignites, Candace and Royce soon discover there's more than one way to stop traffic.


In the Kindle Store

In the Nook Store

In the Kobo Store

In the iTunes Store

Visit Pat Simmons' Website

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