Thursday, April 30, 2020

Something New! Don't Miss Our New Quarterly Newsletter!

To connect more with our readers, Sweet Romance Reads will be starting a new quarterly newsletter which will come out for the first time next month! This is new so even if you subscribed to our former newsletter, please sign up again.

Better yet, we'll be giving away a $50 Visa Gift Card to ONE NEW SUBSCRIBER.  Next Thursday, May 7th, we will be hosting a Mother's Day Party on our FACEBOOK Sweet Romance Reads Cafe and you can sign up there. If you're not already a member of the Cafe group, just look to the right for the Cafe image, click it and Join!

If you're not on Facebook and don't want to join the party, you will be able to sign up here. Watch for the new signup in the right column. I'll be posting it very soon!--Lyn