Tuesday, April 14, 2020

International Moment of Laughter Day by Merrillee Whren

During these stressful days, we need a good dose of laughter. So it's so appropriate that today is International Moment of Laughter Day. There are a lot of good reasons to laugh. I'll share just a few.
1. Medical studies show that laughter reduces stress.
2. Laughter increases blood flow and lowers blood sugar. That's good news.
3. If you laugh before you go to bed, you should get a better night's sleep.
4. Laughter spreads happiness.

How can we celebrate?
1. Read a romantic comedy.
2. Watch a romantic comedy on TV.
3. Find jokes and share them with your family. I'm always sharing funny Facebook memes with my husband. Sometimes he laughs and sometimes he doesn't. We don't always share the same sense of humor.

I have to admit that most of my books are not the romantic comedy type. I think my books that have kids in the story tend to have numerous scenes of comic relief because kids can say funny things. Four Little Blessings and A Match to Call Ours are two of my books that have kids.

We all need some laughter. Have you read a good romantic comedy or have you heard a funny joke you'd like to share?

Merrillee Whren is the winner of the 2003 Golden Heart Award presented by Romance Writers of American. She is married to her own personal hero, her husband of forty-plus years, and has two grown daughters. Connect with her on her Facebook page and sign up for her newsletter.



  1. Laughter helps so much. I find myself watching old situation comedies these days. Thank you for a happy topic, Merrillee!

  2. I watch Frasier last night and laughed out loud. It felt great.

    1. Margaret, it is fun to watch some of those old shows.

  3. I didn't know there was such a day, but it's so appropriate. My husband and I watched Seinfeld's "A Summer of George," about George having extra time for 3 months and not doing much with it. As usual, a hilarious episode.

    1. Josie, I know so many people loved that show.
