Friday, January 5, 2018

Lots of cool opportunities here at Sweet Romance Read--AND a drawing for a free book today!

The last time we had a Facebook party, there were lots of fun posts, games, prizes--with lots of interaction between the authors and readers who joined us that day.  All too late, though, I learned that I'd missed a key element when trying to invite my Facebook friends to the party.

The Facebook algorithm seemed to have changed.  Now those party invitations seem to work only with folks who have already visited the Sweet Romance Reads Cafe here on Facebook and have already followed (joined) that page.  If you haven't done it yet, it's so easy--just skim down the right-hand column of this page, click on the colorful badge for the Sweet Romance Cafe, and then click join when you get there!

There's good reason to connect to our Cafe page, because our Valentines Day party is coming up next month (take a peek at the header at the top of this page) and promises to be LOTS of fun!

On another note, how are you faring this winter?  If you're out East, just watching the news of those snowstorms makes me shiver!   I hope you are staying safe and warm! Here in the Midwest we'd had mild temps and bare ground, then the snow and frigid temps arrived just in time for Christmas.

I fill our bird feeders every day, and by late afternoon the flocks of cardinals, juncos, chick-a-dees, cardinals and other hungry birds have made quick work of it all.  Cardinals are my favorites.  Can you see all seven here?  There were even more, eating the sunflower seeds I'd scattered on the deck.  I'm in awe over how these little creatures can survive the bitter windchills when I need to be swathed in Thinsulate from head to toe (hat, mittens, coats, boots) before going out to feed the horses. My exciting find last year was finding 150 gram Thinsulate mittens!  :)

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and that 2018 brings you good health, joy and abundant blessings!  Nearly forgot--leave a comment and you'll be in a drawing for a copy of any ebook in my backlist!

Roxanne Rustand
USA Today Bestselling Author 
  follow me at:


  1. Beautiful photo, Roxanne. Yes, it's freezing here in the northeast--even in sunny Florida and SC!

    1. Brrrr. And down south, I imagine it's even tougher because people aren't a prepared for the frigid temps!

  2. Love the photo, Roxanne. Here in Texas it's been cold as well. Our stock tank froze over for the first time ever. Looking forward to warmer days.

  3. You're so blessed to have such beautiful birds where you live! What a stunning sight.

    1. They are my favorites year around, though the hummers are really entertaining in the summer!
