Sunday, July 26, 2015

RWA...Okay! by Ginny Baird

The day this blog publishes, I’ll be finishing up my time at RWA 2015. RWA stands for Romance Writers of America. It’s a professional organization that supports those who write romance as well as the genre in general. I’ve been a member for several years now and have learned so much from my fellow authors. There’s no group more capable of sharing and caring than a bunch of romance writers!

Each year, RWA hosts an annual conference in some enticing location. This year’s event is being held in New York City. I look forward to attending the informative workshops on romance publishing and marketing, but most of all I’m excited about meeting many folks in person that I’ve only connected with online. One wonderful thing about the Internet is it provides a way for people living far apart to connect with each other. I’ve been fortunate to meet many other writers this way, including the very talented ladies of this writing cooperative, Sweet Romance Reads. I’ll be rooming with two of them, and sharing meals and meetings with others during my five days in New York. What fun!

This photo is of me signing books in Atlanta at RWA 2013.

On the final night of the conference, a group of us will also attend the famed Rita Awards, a celebration honoring the recipients of the genre’s highest award for excellence in romance fiction. One winner will be chosen in each category (such as novella or historical fiction), and it’s such a joy to see the winners bubbling over with excitement.

The morning this blog posts, the excitement will be over and I’ll be packing my bags for a quick twenty-four-hour visit with my two daughters who live in Brooklyn: a definite highlight of my trip! Then it will be off on a full day’s train ride that will carry me home. Have you ever attended a professional conference? If so, what was it like, and what part of it did you enjoy most? I look forward to reading your responses when I return and will award a $10.00 Amazon Gift Card to one person who shares their experiences, or comments on mine at RWA 2015! The winner will be selected on Tuesday.

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New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Ginny Baird writes contemporary romance novels and novellas. Her newest sweet romance release is My Best Friend’s Bride, now available at Amazon, iBooks, Kobo and B&N. Want to keep up with news from Sweet Romance Reads authors? Sign up for the SRR newsletter today. Like chatting about Sweet Romance? Join the authors of Sweet Romance Reads in our cyber Café!


  1. I have never attended a professional conference. It sounds like you had great fun!

  2. I've only been to public history and archivist conferences, which are surprisingly fun. The best part is seeing former colleagues who are still friends, but also being inspired by the work others are doing.

    1. That kind of conference sounds lovely, Susan. I agree! Hearing about others' work is very inspiring!

  3. When I was a teen (eons ago, lol), I was a part of Alateen. That's a branch of AA & Alanon geared towards kids/teens because my dad was an alcoholic. Anyway, we used to go to a lot of conferences out of town. They were normally 3 days long. The best parts about it, we stayed in the motel in that city and I got to meet other teens going through the same things I was. We had meetings and they also planned different activities for us. It was always a LOT of fun and I hated when it ended! A lot of times, the next conference I'd see the same people and we would become friends. I always looked forward to the next time!
    Other than that, I haven't been to any other kind of conference. It sounds exciting to be in NY for your writing conference!! I bet you come out of there learning a new thing or two! And meeting other authors would be such a highlight :-) Hopefully, you got to squeeze some fun in there somewhere! Thanks for sharing about your RWA and posting some fun pictures. Really enjoyed reading about it!

    1. Thanks for posting, Trixi. I'm so sorry to hear of the difficulties with your dad, but how special that you could find such a warm and supportive group. I'd heard about Alateen, but didn't realize they held annual conferences for families. What an awesome idea! I know what you mean about making friends you look forward to seeing next time. I feel the same way about the women I've bonded with at RWA. NYC was a truly motivating conference, and I did manage to squeeze in a bit of fun along the way as well! I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. :)

  4. I have never been to a conference but looks as if everyone had fun.

  5. As a teen in highschool I went to several different conferences. I loved meeting all the students/teens from the other schools and states. Especially the guys ;). The dances were always the best. Some of these included: FBLA, FCCLA, FHA, and EFY. We didn't have much of a internet I he 90s, so contact was soon lost, but we still have our fun memories.

    1. How fun, Leslie! My high school was very small and didn't offer anything like that. I'll bet those dances were a blast! What happy memories!

  6. I have not attended a Writers conference. I'm a reader, not a writer. I would have liked to attend the signing events!

    1. I'm sorry you couldn't be there, Arlene. The signings appeared to be very successful. I had great fun at mine and saw lots of folks strolling through the hotel with armloads of books and handfuls of download cards. Maybe all stocking up for fall and winter reading! :)

  7. I've enjoyed seeing all the photos on Facebook from everyone at the conference!

    1. The excitement was truly contagious! It was amazing to be among so many talented writers.

  8. I have attended several professional conferences but not for writers but rather historians and genealogists. I have also presented at quotes few. It was amazing. Hope to attend many more!.

    1. Oooh...I Love the sound of those conferences, Sonja. I'd love to just be a fly on the wall and learn something. Probably several somethings. How cool!

  9. I'm hoping to attend one soon. They seem so amazing! How great it must be to finally get to meet some of these internet connections in person. Sounds like it will be a great trip - enjoy!

    1. Thank you, T. Drecker. Hope you're able to attend a conference of your own as well --in the very near future!

  10. I have never attended A conference or a book signing...yet! I hope to remedy that the next time NEORWA meets in Parma, Ohio since I live only 45 minutes away!

    1. I like the way you said "yet" Diane! Always fun to plan ahead, and 45 minutes sounds doable. Have a terrific time!

  11. How great that you get to visit your daughters while you're in the area too! :)

    1. Yes! Seeing my girls was certainly very special. We had a super visit!

  12. It was fun getting together at RWA. Thanks Ginny for setting up the dinners and meetings.

    1. You're welcome, Merrillee! It was such a pleasure getting to know you in person. What good times we had!

  13. Thanks to everyone who commented! has selected Trixi as the winner of the $10 Amazon Gift Card! Congratulations Trixi! Please contact me at so I can send you your prize.
