Tuesday, July 7, 2015

My Favorite Beach by Shaleen Kapil

My favorite destination is called 30A. It is a string of beach villages between Destin and Panama City, Florida. Amongst these are Seaside, Rosemary Beach, and Blue Mountain. The water is a sparkling green, the sand white, and everything is very bike and pedestrian friendly. There are town green spaces in the middle of cafes and shops.

Before I moved to Florida, I came every year for vacation this direction. Now, I’ve been trying some of the other beaches, but my favorite is still 30A.

My recent Flash Fiction and short novellas are based on a made-up town that I call Starfish Beach. I’ve squeezed it in north of Seaside. It has Starfish impressions along the sidewalks—my own version of Copa Cabana’s striped sidewalks—and lots of cut cottages. A special attraction of 30A is the freshwater lakes adjacent to the beaches. My characters are making lots of use of that feature as well.

I’m still working on first two novels based in Starfish Beach, but hopefully it won’t be too long. Starfish Beach is now my favorite place to visit.

 Shaleen is a new resident of the Sunshine State. If you don't find her at her desk, look for her fixing up her new house or at the beach. Find out more at www.shaleenkapil.com or Like her on Facebook.

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  1. I grew up on the Mississippi Gulf coast. I love beaches and the sound of the waves hitting the shore.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I grew up in Michigan. Going to the lake was the highlight of the summer. The first one in the water on Memorial Day had bragging rights for the rest of the year. The temp was usually around 50 degrees.

  4. I envy you, living by the ocean! How nice!
