Wednesday, July 29, 2015

#TenThingsNotToSayToAWriter by Karen Rock

#TenThingsNotToSayToAWriter by Karen Rock

Yesterday, while on Twitter, I came across the hashtag, #TenThingsNotToSayToAWriter and clicked on it. The stream of tweets using this hashtag had me laughing, groaning and nodding in agreement so often, I thought I’d share some of my favorites with you. I hope you agree and laugh, groan and nod along with me, too J

#TenThingsNotToSayToAWriter :
1.       “Three dollars is a lot to pay for just an ebook.” - @FebruaryGrace

2.       “Now you just need to get it turned into a movie.” -@LaurenDeStefano

3.       “I would never have guessed that you were a writer. You’re so normal.” @HRuthMiller

4.       “I have a great idea for a book you should write. You write it and we'll split the profits 50-50.” - @tiffanyreisz

5.       “Oh. It’s one of THOSE books.” @ColleenHouck

6.       “I don’t read fiction. I only read important things.” -@shirleymccann

7.       “Oh, you’re a writer? Me too! I mean, I haven’t typed it out, but it’s all, y’know, there in my head.”- @EvilMarguerite

8.       “You write romance? Have you ever thought of writing a real book?” - @McCarthySusanne

9.       “Will you send me a free copy?” - @AuthorAngelaS

10.   “So, I want to write a book, too. Will you help me?” - @emeraldbarnes

11.   “Have I read anything of yours?”- I’ve never met you before. How would I know?! @JLArmentrout

12.   “I should try and get published in England. It’s obviously easier there.”- @HolSmale

13.   “So when do you think you are going to finish your book?” x 10 - @BookCountry

14.   “Writing romance is easy, right? I think I should try it. I need some money.” @ashposton

15.   “Self-published, so you’re not really published yet then?”- @chadh1234

16.   “People can buy it? Seriously? In a real book store?” - @KathyReinhart

17.   “It must be lovely working from home. You can combine writing with housework and childcare.” -@Joannechocolat

18.   “I better be careful or you’ll put me in your book!” No. You’re not that interesting. - @OfficiallyAlly

19.   “I had to give it one star because it had way too many five stars.” - @emberian

20.   “I know you’ve sold a ton of books but I found a misspelling in chapter 3.” - @kennbivins

And here’s the one I tweeted:
“So? Are you still writing or working now?” hehe. Would you believe it was retweeted 216 times and favorited over 300 times at the time I’m writing this?

The hashtag “TenThingsNotToSayToAWriter has been a top trending topic today (hitting number 2 worldwide as I write this!) for good reason. Although writing is solitary work, it’s a universal experience and one we should share more often! It’s been a treat to read these tweets from other authors as it helps me feel less alone- (although technically I do have my puppy, Zoey, here for company, which counts, right?)

As writers, it’s important to take advantage and join in on experiences like this, whether it’s online or in person with conferences, chapter meetings or just phone chats with other writers. There can be a lot of negative in our profession, whether it’s sales numbers, snarky reviews, publisher rejections or eight page revision letters. (okay- maybe that’s just my experience J) However, interacting with one another is the positive food we need to keep going and embrace, rightfully so, our profession with joy.

As Steven King said in “On Writing” – “Writing isn’t about making money, getting famous, getting dates, or making friends. In the end, it’s about enriching the lives of those who will read your work, and enriching your own life, as well. It’s about getting up, getting well, and getting over. Getting happy, okay? Getting happy.”
Hugs to all my fellow authors and readers out there! You make the world’s heart beat. Let's make our own list of #TenThingsNotToSayToAWriter! Please share any interesting comments people have made to you about writing :) Thanks!


  1. Love this post, Karen! And I agree, people say some of the craziest things to writers! :)

  2. Replies
    1. I'm glad :) It felt good to hear that I'm not the only one who's heard these!

  3. So funny, and I can relate to a lot of them. LOL!

    1. Me, too! Especially the ones where people thing if you're writing it's got to be super easy or it's not really "work".

  4. Hilarious, Karen. I always find it interesting that non-writers are amazed that we have so many ideas! They think THAT'S THE HARD PART!

    1. LOL! If only that was the hardest part... So true, Lyn :)

  5. I believe I've heard all of those.

    1. It's funny how we all share this experience :-)

  6. Yes, people definitely think writing romance is easy and anyone can do it. Not!

    1. Haha- you're so right, Susan! There's a HS English teacher at my old school that has her creative writing students do The book in a month challenge and she told them she would write a romance because it's super easy- girl returns to her hometown, meets a guy who is awful to her and falls in love. Simple. When one of my students told me that I couldn't stop laughing!

  7. "So. Are you making any money yet?" I'm totally at a loss for words when people ask me this. I never ask my friends (or anyone) about their annual income. I'm trying to come up with a clever response. Thanks for posting, Karen. You made me laugh.

    1. Lol- it's so true!! No one would ever ask others about their salary but as writers, we're fair game. Hmmmm- a come back- how about "Do you think genius like this is free?" hehe

  8. Great post! Thanks for giving me my morning chuckles. All so true! :)

    1. You're welcome, Ginny! It's so funny how we've all heard these :-)
