Thursday, February 29, 2024

Lyn Cote Asks What was Your Favorite Trip?

My daughter and I as lumberjacks at a park somewhere in Wisconsin on a day trip!
After watching the weather channel this winter, I don't think ANYONE in the USA is having a "normal" winter. (If you are, I want to hear about it!'-)

Anyway this has made me long to go...somewhere but I have obligations keeping me here, enjoying the third most SNOWLESS winter in the history of the northwoods. 

Wildfire danger has already started--dry grass and no snow causes this. So let's take our minds off what's going on outside our windows!

 Now for the February question- Since I’m not planning on going anywhere soon, I’m asking: “What was the best trip you ever enjoyed? And why?” Please leave a comment. Then I can travel with you vicariously! ‘-)

My book, KAT’S STRICTLY BUSINESS PARTNER, came out last month. Kat, short for Katherine, owns a garden nursery. So far the response to Kat has been very positive. Here’s one: 

“Yet another cute read by the fabulous Lyn Cote. I was anxiously awaiting to hear this story, and I wasn't disappointed.”

This is the final book in my “The Preacher’s Daughters” series. (And I’m trying to feel ‘fabulous’—first time I’ve been called that! Don’t worry—I won’t let it go to my head.:-)--Lyn


  1. I've had a lot of fabulous trips, but our trip to Australia and New Zealand has to be at the top of the list.

  2. Two of my dearest friends and I rented a cottage in San Diego right on the beach for a full week. We left our hubby's and families at home and had a blast!
