Monday, May 29, 2017

A Love Letter to Veterans by Patricia Forsythe

Because I was a very self-involved child, I thought the purpose of Memorial Day was to help me remember things that were very important. Later, I understood it was to help us all remember our loved  ones who were very important, especially those who had died in the service of our country. Sadly, I think too many people see it as an excuse for a three day weekend with parades and picnics, without giving a thought to the blood, sweat, and sacrifice that made it possible.

Veterans may be partly responsible for this. Generally, they’re not the type to brag on themselves, though they will brag on their fellow service members. Veterans do their part to secure our freedoms, then they come home and restart their lives. It seems that most who struggle with the traumatic events they’ve seen do so quietly, and seek help from those who have been through the same thing. These men and women deserve our respect, our help, and our love.

So, this is a love letter to those who made our freedoms possible. There is nothing more romantic than being in love with an enormous group of people who gave us our lives.

Patricia Forsythe is the author of many romances, both traditionally and electronically published.  Her most recent release is The Husband She Can’t Forget, book two in her Oklahoma Girls series, which was released this month.  Book number one, At Odds With The Midwife was released in November 2016, and book three, His Twin Baby Surprise in May 2017.





  1. Patricia, thank you for sharing and reminding us of the sacrifices our military men and women have made to ensure our freedom.

  2. Beautifully said, Patricia. Thank you!

  3. Beautiful, Patricia. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Patricia, Would you email me please?
