Saturday, February 19, 2022

Date Night by Merri Maywether

Roughly twenty-six years ago, I saw a man walking across a courtyard. The way the story goes is he looked really serious. Too serious for my whimsical personality. So I decided then and there he needed somebody to bring joy into his life. 

I invited him to all sorts of goofy adventures. Older and wiser, I now know they are great ideas for date nights. Since February is a month popular for connecting be it Valentine's or Galentine's Day, I thought I'd share a few of them with you. 

Photo of Ice Cream Sundae by Wan Kurniawan via Upsplash
Photo of Ice Cream Sundae by
Wan Kurniawan via Unsplash

 πŸ’–Visit an all-you-can-eat buffet try to make the most decadent dessert.  After eating a proper 
meal (of course)

 πŸ’– Play a tournament with old-school video games. Our favorite is Tetris. 

 πŸ’– Created a scavenger hunt that ended with us eating snacks at a coffee house. 

 πŸ’– Used a book of constellations and tried to find the stars.

πŸ’– Race to see who could eat a fruit rollup the fastest without our fingers.

πŸ’– Try to make ice cream at home and create a new Cold Stone Creamery menu (for our house).

πŸ’– Create a bingo card of animals and visit the zoo. 

πŸ’– Try to finish a 500 piece puzzle within a certain time frame. 

Photo of puzzle by Ross Sneedon via upsplash
Photo of puzzle by Ross Sneedon via Unsplash

πŸ’– Get a couple of paint-by-numbers paintings and pretend to be artists. 

πŸ’– Gather some board games and have a mini-tournament.

πŸ’– Go on a hike and try to find as many different types of flora and fauna. 

πŸ’– Read a book together. We did this one every night for a couple of weeks. 

As for that guy. He took me on a date on Valentine's Day. And, three weeks later he proposed. 

So, I cannot promise that you'll have the same ending as my experience, but I can say with certainty if you try to do any of the activities I suggested, you will have fun. 

πŸ’–       If you have an idea you’d like to share, post them in the comments. πŸ’–


Merri Maywether lives with her husband in rural Montana. You can find her in the town's only coffee house listening to three generations of Montanans share their stories. Otherwise, she's in the classroom or the school library, inspiring the next generation's writers.

When a plane flew by with a marriage proposal, Kate should have asked questions. Questions like why would my always grumpy best friend have a change of heart? Now she has to spend a week at a resort with their daughters avoiding team-building activities with Sam. 

Could life get any more awkward?

Kate has been the sunshine in Sam’s life since the first day he pulled into Ashbrook. He had a six-year-old daughter and a battered heart and nothing to offer but friendship. A series of events threatens their friendship and opens Sam’s eyes. If he doesn’t hold on to the one woman who loves him despite his rough edges, he’ll lose her.

Friends, family, and a secret ally will remind Sam and Kate that love endures all things —and the first step to a happy future is releasing the pain from the past.

452 Memory Lane will be available on Kindle Unlimited on February 28th. 

Add it to your Amazon Wish List | Add it to your Goodreads To-Read | Add it to your Bookbub Wish List 

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