Saturday, September 18, 2021

Sweet Romance Reads September New Releases !

Trent's Trust - by Laura Scott $3.99

Will he learn to trust his heart?

Lead guitarist, Trent Atkins left his foster brother and the small town of Gatlinburg for the music scene in Nashville. He’d made more money than he could have imagined, until the day he woke up from a terrible hangover to find the lead singer of their band, dead. He’d thought living with the Preacher was a nightmare, but this was far worse. Now someone is trying to kill him, and he has no idea who or why.

Private Investigator Serena Jerash is determined to uncover the truth behind Jimmy’s death. She believes he was murdered, and soon discovers Trent has become a target, too. The only way to survive is for the two of them to work together in an effort to uncover the band leader’s secrets. Trent doesn’t trust anyone, least of all, himself. Will Serena convince Trent to follow God and to trust his heart?


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Ellie's Forever Family, A Heartwarming Faith-filled 
Romance  New Neighbor Lane Book 3
by Lyn Cote $2.99

A little girl matchmaker who needs a mother’s love won’t be deterred by a love-shy father~

High school teacher, Pete volunteers at the local Habitat for Humanity house-build to help two of his building trades students keep out of trouble for the summer. A single dad, Pete is intent on raising his two children without their absent mother. But his little girl Rylee falls in love with Miss Ellie on the very first day at the Habitat site.

He is not happy about Rylee’s infatuation with the woman in charge of the Habitat project. And who’s a lawyer like the wife who walked out on them.

Ellie is about to take a big step in her life too, pursuing taking in a foster child. She isn’t looking for romance, but a family. Engaged twice, she backed out each time. Little Rylee has her work cut out for her with these two stubborn adults! Why not download this USA Today Bestselling Author’s latest romance today!…thfilled-romance

Personal Threat - by Kimberly Rose Johnson $1.99

Bodyguard Sally Wilson has become the target. Can she save her own life as well as her daughter’s?

Christmas is supposed to be the happiest time of the year, but when Sally’s young daughter, Emma, becomes the target of child traffickers, and the little girl’s biological father wants Sally dead, the Christmas season takes a dark turn.

Police officer, Dillon Brady, responds to a call for help at the home of his friend and Protection Inc. bodyguard, Sally Wilson. When their relationship tips beyond friendship, Dillon is determined no one will hurt Sally or her daughter again. Will his resolve be enough?

Sally is drawn to Dillon. He’s a natural with Emma and appears to care about both of them. Sally’s been fooled before by a man she believed loved her, but what if it’s an act? Can Sally learn to trust again and follow her heart, or will Dillon get relegated to the friend zone?


One More Kiss - By Roxanne Rustand $3.99

In One More Kiss, a disillusioned lawyer wanting a quiet life inadvertently ends up sharing his elderly aunt’s vacant house in a small resort town, with a woman who has a dark past, a young daughter and a menagerie of epic proportions. What could possibly go wrong? Humor, romance...and a mystery!


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