Not All Heroes Wear Capes...I saw that written a lot during 2020 when nurses and the healthcare field was overwhelmed (we still are in many areas, btw) and when I think of my next Hallmark Publishing release, it really fits the story. My heroine and a widowed mom, Morgan, is a nurse who lost her job due to budget cuts (this actually happened to people I knew last summer). She moved to where her grandparents lived to get on her feet and to make sure that her young son has the best Chistmas ever in Pine Hill, because his last two haven't been good, much less magical. When there, Morgan goes to work at a nursing home/assisted living facility. Y'all, the men and women working in these areas truly are heroes and heroines! I've always thought it, but even more so since Covid-19 forever changed life as we know it.
My hero, Andrew, is a firefighter who longs to be a smokejumper. Firefighting in general is heroic. I mean, these men and women run into fires when everyone else is running out. But to be a smokejumper takes it to another whole level of danger. I'll admit, I cried quite a bit when doing the research on Smoke Jumpers and Hot Shots due to the loss of lives over the years, and the absolute bravery and resiliency these men and women exude with their every breath.
Writing their story, one of a heroine who had already lost the love of her life to his dangerous lifestyle and a hero whose very core is dedicated to protect others even at the ultimate sacrifice to himself, well, it often had been thinking how blessed I am by the real life heroes and heroines in my life. As a nurse myself, I'm surrounded by healthcare workers and know many more. Y'all, they are all heroes and heroines in ways someone outside the healthcare field may not be able to truly understand because it's on the drives home and at night that our tears flow the hardest and our hearts just ache at the things we've seen. I'm also blessed with a nephew who is a state trooper, a nephew who is a firefighter, a nephew who served in the Army, and a son who is currently serving in the Army National Guard. They, and all those serving with them, are heroes and heroines in my eyes.
I want to expound on all the other heroes and heroines out there. Those that serve in ways that may often go unrecognized--such as the lady at church who always mails get well cards and sympathy cards to members. Such as those who check on shut-ins, bring them food, to doctor appointments, etc. Such as the family member who brings in a parent or grandparent to provide 24/7care for them. Such as electric line workers who go out during and after storms to help restore power. Such as the seamstress who sewed masks and gave them out by the stacks. Such as the quilters who make quilts to wrap veterans and service members in to welcome them home. I could go on and on, because our world is filled with heroes. The writer in me wants to recognize them all, to give each one a story and a voice. I'll never live long enough to succeed, so y'all help me. :)
Who are some of the heroes and heroines in your life? You can share why if you'd like, but if you just want to acknowledge them, that's great, too.
I think all retail workers who have continued working all through this pandemic are heroes. I work in retail and we have been through alot. Thank you to my fellow heroes.