Thursday, August 1, 2019

Lyn Cote Asks her August Question

Lyn here-- Now for the August question: And what I want to know is: What are you reading? (And you don’t have to say one of my books :-). I want to know what others authors you always buy or check out at the library. Tell me about these authors. I’d like to find a few new ones too! They say word of mouth is the top way that people try new authors, new books. To answer my own question, right now I must confess that though I enjoy a good romance (written by many of the authors on this blog) I'm in a cozy mystery mood this year! A cozy mystery is one where the sleuth is an amateur and usually a single woman. (I especially enjoy the ones that incorporate a romance.:-) Anway if you're interested in my reviews, here is a link to my Goodreads reviews. 

In case you're feeling a bit "warm" this sultry summer, here's a book that will take you into the snowy winter with romance and mystery. A free book too! So let me know what you're reading now and do you ever leave reviews online?--Lyn Cote


  1. Lyn,
    Your books are always winners! I recently finished a book by Kristin Hannah, The Great Alone, and it prompted my husband and I to book a trip to Alaska. So, it's a book I highly recommend.

  2. I'm also reading cozy mysteries.. heading soon to a mystery conference as many of my stories are romantic mysteries. Right now reading a book by Linda Rawlins. Fun!

  3. Hi Lyn, I'm currently reading Traces of Guilt by Dee Henderson. I've been in a cozy mystery and romantic suspense binge for the past several months. LOL well, maybe a bit longer. Ever since I started writing in those genres I've been reading a lot more of them than I used to.

  4. Nothing at the moment other than stuff for research.

  5. I have to admit that I have started multiple books. I think that's the trouble with having a ereader. Every time I download a new book, I check it to see if it downloaded ok, then I get started and abandon the book I had previously been reading but not completely. I need to be more focused. As my son-in-law says, "don't show her anything shiny." I'm easily distracted. :)

    1. LOL Merrillee, I have the same problem. I've lost track of how many books I started and then got distracted by a new one and forgot to go back and finish. For the first time in a long time I'm reading a book in paperback. :)

    2. OH, dear that only happens when I find the book doesn't live up tot promises.

  6. Lyn, I'm reading a cozy mystery right now as well. Looks like many of us are! I'm also with Merrillee in the frequent abandonment of a partially read kindle book when it's so easy to jump into a new one.

    1. Well, I never finish a book that disappoints but otherwise I stick with it if it's good. Maybe these books just aren't RIVETING. IF A BOOK DOESN'T HOLD MY ATTENTION, IT DESERVES TO BE SET DOWN.
