Sunday, July 14, 2019

Bastille Day and Christmas in July by Merrillee Whren

Today France celebrates Bastille Day, which is considered the beginning of the French Revolution. Have you ever been to France and seen the Eiffel Tower? Here is a photo that was taken many, many years ago when my hubby and I visited France. I'm the one in the white sweater with my back to the tower.

If you haven't been to the Eiffel Tower, what famous landmark have you seen?

We are also celebrating Christmas in July here on the Sweet Romance Reads blog. So in celebration, I'm giving away my Christmas novella, SECOND CHANCE CHRISTMAS. You can download the book by clicking on the title of the book today and tomorrow.
Merrillee Whren is the winner of the 2003 Golden Heart Award presented by Romance Writers of American. She is married to her own personal hero, her husband of forty-plus years, and has two grown daughters. Connect with her on her Facebook page and sign up for her newsletter.


  1. I've been there and loved seeing all the historic places.

    1. Margaret, Paris is an exciting city to visit.

  2. Merrillee,
    This time last year, my family was in France for 3 weeks on a home exchange. We visited the Eiffel Tower a couple of times. It is beautiful!

    1. Josie, how cool that you were able to do a home exchange. We were just talking to some people today who said their friends have done that, and they loved it.

  3. I've never been to Europe, but hope to hit Scotland and Prague, Czech Republic. But in the US/Canada, I've seen Niagara Falls too many times to count, the Grand Canyon, and been up in the Empire State Building.

    1. Jean, you will love Scotland and Prague. They are both unique in their own ways.

  4. I went there when I was 17 and my family was living in Saudi Arabia (we went to Europe on vacation). I didn't appreciate it as much as I would now. I have to say, however, that France was my least favorite country in Europe! The people were not very nice to us! The Eiffel Tower was great to see though!

    1. Valri, I know what you mean about not appreciating something until we get older. We heard a lot about people being unfriendly in France, but we never experienced that either time we were there.

  5. I hope to eventually see the Eiffel Tower in person, Merrillee! Thank you for today's blog!!
