Thursday, February 6, 2014

You're Invited!

Today, we have a very special invitation for you: Join us for our Valentine Party on Facebook! We have prepared two hours brimming with fun things and prizes!

Here's your chance: You can win free e-books and plenty of other prizes, like chocolate (hmmm!) or Amazon gift cards (our grand prize is an Amazon gift card for $100!).

But just as important, you can also remember your fondest Valentine moments and share them with us. Of course you can also tell us about the worst moments, and we'll commiserate with you - because a bad experience loses its sting if you can share it with friends and eventually even laugh about it.

Come on over, join in the games, invite your friends along, and maybe you'll even find a new favorite author and your perfect sweet romance read during the party . . . because that's what Valentine's Day is all about - finding the right match!

We're looking forward to seeing you at our Sweet Romance Reads' Facebook page! If you don't know where that is, click here!


  1. I'm getting SO excited about this party! Valentine's Day is absolutely one of my favorite holidays! And what better way to celebrate the "Day of Love" than with a group of Sweet Romance writers? I look forward to seeing everyone there! :)

  2. Just found it, and I am coming right now. B
