Friday, May 31, 2024

Lyn Cote asks --which one of these three do you enjoy most?



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Recently I asked my readers—contemporary romance, romantic suspense or  historical romance—which one of these three do you enjoy most? Well, there wasn’t a runaway winner for the most popular and many of them read all three. Good to know since I write in all three! One thing I caught is that most mentioned liking suspense. 

And guess what—that is a central component to all my books whatever the kind. By that  mean, I always try to weave in suspenseful plot lines that keep my readers guessing. For example, I just uploaded book 1 of my “Lone Star Courage” series, Loving Against All Odds 

and the book blurb begins with: “From fashionable New Orleans society, Miss Della Mott is now bound for frontier Spanish Texas where anything might happen.” And ends with “Unfortunately someone's twisted agenda will endanger them all.”Does that sound suspenseful to you? I hope so. :-) For more info or to pre-order at a discount, click here.—Lyn Cote

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