Hi friends! I hope your Christmas day was lovely and that Boxing Day (today, if you're in Canada, the UK, or other parts of the British Commonwealth) is also going well.
Because we're only days away from the new year, I'm using this space to discuss resolutions, goals, and other ways of improving our lives. One thing I've discovered is true--for me, at least--is that big efforts at change don't usually go over well. I start off with great intentions and then? Well, you know what they say about good intentions and paving stones.I've recently read a couple of books about small changes and how they can make great differences. Suppose you've been working hard at something and now you resolve to improve your performance by one percent per week. Doesn't sound like much, right?
Yet as you do that, you find it's exponential. This week, it's one percent of your former 100%. Next week it's one percent of 101%, and so one. Even if you just added one percent more per week to your original performance, by the end of the year you'd be 152% better. It's worth considering.
2023 has been a tough year for me with the death of my husband of 53 years, a move across two states, and all the attendant changes. I'm resolving next year to work at improving a little at a time in the small things that will lead to big changes for me and mine. Whatever you choose to do to make 2024 better, I hope it will be your best year yet.
Susan Aylworth is the author of more than 20 novels. Watch for Book 7 in her Rainbow Rock Romance series, Always a Rainbow, coming early in 2024. Find her at susanaylworthauthor.com, on Facebook, or at susan.aylworth.author@gmail.com. Susan loves to hear from readers.
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