Thursday, March 5, 2020

Sweet Rosie.... Roxanne Rustand

I know that we might have lots of winter ahead of us--we've had snow as late as early April--but our current stretch of weather in the 40's to 50's makes me so happy!   It's so nice to be able to go outside without being dressed up like an Eskimo, and I think the horses and our pets love it too. 

During the winter you won't see the horses laying out in the pasture flat as pancakes, but now that the snow has melted, they do--as if they are soaking up the sunshine.  The barn cats as well-- they line up in the sunshine pouring into the south-facing barn door.

Do you have pets? What kind are your favorites? 

We've had quite a menagerie over the years--I had many pets while growing up, and so I loved it when the kids wanted more.  So there have been all sorts of lizards, bunnies, cockatiels, "pocket pets"  like hamsters, gerbils and guinea pigs, a snake named Ssssid and a tarantula named Ned...many horses, and a long line of kitties and dogs. 

Now that the kids are grown, we're down to just the horses, cats, and dogs, plus all the grandpuppies that come to stay now and then.  If you don't follow me on Facebook (roxanne.rustand   rather than my page) then you haven't seen the newest addition to the family. I'd like to introduce you to our newest grandpup Rosie!

She was adopted by our son and his family who live in Wisconsin, and the saga of her homeless mom and littermates will be the spark of a novella that I'm writing later this year. I always have animals in my books, and this one will be such fun to write!

Leave a comment, and have a chance to win of a copy of my latest novel (January 2020,  Love Inspired.)

Best wishes to you all for a lovely spring!
Roxanne Rustand


  1. I've had both dogs and cats and I can't choose between them.

    1. Same with me--only we can only have barn kitties now because our SIL is deathly allergic to cats.

  2. I love dogs. I'd probably be a cat lover as well if I wasn't so allergic to them. When I was a little girl, before we discovered my severe allergy I would play with my neighbors cat. I would always come home sick. After getting bronchitis then walking phenomena the doctors finally figured out I was allergic to cats.

    1. Same with our SIL. Our daughter says he is allergic to anything cute and fluffy. At least they can have dogs, though.

  3. We are currently petless because we travel so much, but we've had our share of cats and dogs, as well as a hamster, fish, and frogs thrown in for good measure.

    1. Frogs! That's one pets the kids and I never had. Interesting!

  4. I'm a dog lover, but come to think of it, I like cats too. Currently, my 8 year old shih tzu, Henry, sits next to me as I spend the afternoon writing.

  5. I like dogs and cats. I don’t have any at the moment because I am too busy taking care of my parents when needed.

  6. Rosie is darling, Roxanne! My son had dogs, fish, turtles, and gerbils. I love your snake's name. So fun. :)

  7. oozing colour off the page ! Your book is very striking and having a few more reviews would really be a game-changer. Try If I can interest you in a book trailer, let me know. I can do 1 for free !

  8. I've had MANY pets over the years! Love them all! Today I'm a cat lady.. 2 rescues!
