Monday, March 2, 2020

Let's Talk About Dreams by Vickie McDonough

     I seldom remember my dreams. Most of them seem to have me running from something or chasing after someone. I used to have a recurring dream where this giant monster was coming down the street where I lived as a kid. My family was eating dinner at the time. It seems nothing could kill this creature, but when it got close to my house, I grabbed the ketchup bottle, ran out the front door, and squirted the monster. Instantly it dissipated and was gone. Weird, right? Yeah.

Courtesy of Pixabay
     Two nights ago, I had a dream about--of all things--kangaroos. I hadn't watched or read anything about kangaroos lately, so why would they invade my dreams? And invade they did. There were thousands of little kangaroos being lead around on leashes by people at a park. There must have been kangaroo convention. Weird again. Maybe these dreams have something to do with snacking late at night.
     Let's shift to dreams as in things you'd like to achieve. Did you know that every hero/heroine in a book should have a dream--something he/she wants to get like a new job, a home, or forgiveness. It writers' terms it is called a goal. A good writer keeps throwing situations in the hero's or heroine's path to keep them from reaching that goal. This makes for good reading. I challenge you as you're reading to see if you can determine what the hero/heroine's dream is. 

In my Texas Boardinghouse Brides series, three women arrive in the same town about the same time, each expecting to marry the town marshall. But he hadn't written to any of them and was shocked to see them and angered that someone would involve innocent women by playing a trick on him. Each of those women had a dream to be married. Now they have to shift their plans, especially since none of them can return to their former homes. Read my Texas Boardinghouse Brides series to see what happens.


The Anonymous Bride review:

Vickie McDonough possesses a unique voice, and in The Anonymous Bride, she uses it to lure in, capture and claim her readers. You’ll want to read this one when you have a good chunk of time to do nothing more than that, because you won’t want to put it down. Filled with authentic detail relevant to the historical era of the storyline, this book is a must have! The author knows how to spin a tale, and she does it with flair and finesse in The Anonymous Bride. Great storytelling!
(Delia Latham My Book Bag blog 2010-04-19)

Purchase links:

Free on Kindle Unlimited

How about you. Have you had an odd dream lately? Let's keep it clean, please.


  1. Great, blog, Vickie. And, if I haven't said it before, these covers are gorgeous. I don't seem to dream as much as I did years ago. But I also don't have nightmares as often, so that's a good thing!

    1. Thanks, Magdalena! I still dream quite a bit, but I don't often remember much of my dreams.

  2. Vickie, thanks for the wonderful post. Dreams have fascinated me for years. I hate those chasing dreams.

    1. I know, right? You wake up tired from all the running.

  3. Great covers and GREAT concept for this series! I have vivid dreams quite a bit and rarely can I figure them out. Great post!

    1. I've never been able to make sense of my dreams.

  4. Interesting topic. Love your covers!!!!

  5. Vickie, Dreams are so fascinating, and what a great topic. I love your covers too!

  6. My dreams are often comical, and make no sense at all!
