Wednesday, January 9, 2019

What is it about pets? by Christine Bush


I’m sitting here with a cat on my lap.  And one by my feet.  Ahhh. The sound of purring is like a calming balm to my busy mind.

Are you a pet person?

I love people.  I have an adorable husband, amazing kids and grandkids, heart filled friends. Life is full and busy and… good.

And yet, there is this space in my heart that is filled only by these furry creatures.  They soothe me. They entertain me.  Even though at times they drive me nuts.

They knock over the Christmas tree, playing sneaky games of “jumping for ornaments”.
They dash across my desk as they chase each other, knocking over my formerly well -ordered piles of manuscript pages, and scattering pens.

They pull flowers from vases, and carry them proudly around as if flaunting their newly caught prey.

They scoot across my keyboard. Sometimes they send my half written emails.   Sigh.

I forgive them all that.  I even laugh.  I’m not sure I’d do the same if their feats were performed by a human person.

When I’m sick, they curl up next to me, and I feel better.

When I get home, they are ALWAYS glad to see me. And I’m glad to see them. They are an integral part of my life, and have been since the day I rescued them. They’re important!

So it’s only natural that I include animals in almost every one of the books I write.  And I love to read stories that include them, too!

How about you?  Tell us about your furred or feathered (or scaled) loves! And do you like stories that include pets?  I’d love to hear…


Christine Bush is a USA Today Bestselling author of romance, romantic mystery, and suspense.  She can be found living in the Lehigh Valley in Pennsylvania with her husband and 2 lazy cats, and spending time with her 13 grandchildren.   When she’s not writing, she’s teaching Psychology at a local college, and working with clients in her private practice as a Marriage and Family Therapist. She loves to hear from readers and writers!

Christine’s award winning novella “Christmas with the Cat Lady” is FULL of pets!  Print or ebook!


  1. I love animals too, Christine, and often include them in my stories. Many of my readers are familiar with Henry, my sweet shih tzu.

    1. Ah, Henry! Love the name! Over the years, when I had dogs, they were BIG! This included several German Shepherds, an Akita and a Saint Bernard!

  2. Over the years we've had lots of pets, mostly cats and dogs. Currently we are petless because we travel so much.

    1. Travel can make it tough. That's why I just have cats today. Easier to get care.

  3. Christine, the timing of your post is serendipitous! I have been petless for a few years, and am considering adopting again. Please wish me luck, that the right pet (if any) and I will find each other!

    1. How absolutely cool! Get two! Double the love AND the entertainment!

    2. Well... my studio apartment is less than 500 square feet, so I'm probably going to stop at one. :)

  4. Christine, I'm definitely a pet person. My Westie, Crosby, had his head propped up on me right now. Causes havoc in my life, but I can't imagine it any other way!

    Your book looks fabulous. Blessings and keep those pet stories coming.

  5. I love cats (and dogs). I love their antics. They make me smile and laugh.
    Margaret Daley

  6. I have two wonderful dogs. Both are black lab mixes. They are named Chip & Dale and both of them weigh 80 Lbs. I love all animals...except spiders and in general bugs. I had three other Disney dogs in the past. Mickey, Lady & Belle. :) Mickey was a Shepherd/lab mix. Lady was an Australian Shepherd mix and Belle was a Shepherd/Rott mix. I’ve had cats in the past, but my husband Bob is allergic, so I can’t have them any more! And I love books with both animals and kids!! :)

    1. My cats are named "Macaroni and Cheese!"...named by grandkids of course!

  7. My cat loves to walk across my computer keyboard too. He's rewritten many of my stories, which I've had to fix. :)

    1. I might have to list mine as an editor on my next book! Grin.

  8. I love pets in books and I must say that your assessment of feline behavior is absolutely purrfect! My husband and I share our home with 5 - some like to snuggle more than others and others are more active, but I love knowing they are (almost) always glad to see me and running to get attention.
