Monday, February 27, 2017

Free Novels and visiting other romance authors while checking out Fireman....

So this month I was invited to speak to SouthWest Romance Writers monthly meeting on the topic of newsletters. I love talk to authors about how I give away stuff to readers. So I sent my husband to get my rental car and he returned with the 15 passenger party van for this venture. So I had my two friends I intended to drive the hour and half with and we jumped into our 'party van.'
 Once we arrived in Bonita Springs we saw the fireman were training. Naturally we snapped a picture of the men while they discussed how to save people from the 'faux' burning building. It was so cool. In Miami I don't live anywhere near a training facility like that. And while I don't write fireman stories, it could be finish.

My basic point to the lecture is that I'm always giving away something. It's mostly books. Be warned in the February one not all are sweet, but last month every author said they were. So I'll post the link to January's giveaway as many of the books are still available!
 Now I don't read all the books that authors say fits the bill and I saw a few of the covers and said 'hmm that doesn't seem right' but I took everyone at their word. Giving books away is fun. So I hope you enjoy the selection and I hope the authors see the value of offering samples.

Have an amazing day!
Victoria Pinder

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