Saturday, August 22, 2015

Dream Reading Spaces

My husband and I are currently in the midst of building a new home. I've worked in marketing for a home builder for over ten years, but this is the first time we've gone through the process of choosing all the details of our own home. While browsing through photos for ideas, I've come across some pretty amazing home libraries and reading nooks.

I love how cozy this one is:

This one would be perfect for kids:
My home won't have anything this elaborate, but it's fun to dream! Which is your favorite? What is your favorite spot in your own home for reading?


  1. My favorite spot is in my sunny office, but the best place in the house is in my son's room. He has a window seat. It has blinds on the window and a dark set of curtains between the room and the window seat. He likes to sit between the window, hidden by the curtain, reading or playing with his legos.

  2. Julie, I like the hallway. But maybe that's because my mom had high shelves in her hallway.
