Lyn Cote here~Well, it’s winter in the northwoods of WI you know. And we’ve been having some cold brrr temps (who knew??’-) I’ve been keeping our bedroom closet door shut because the attic trap door is in the closet. And there is often a draft from it in the coldest weather.
So I was surprised when our cat Lovey decided to position himself at the door with his nose at the crack at the bottom of the floor. I open the door and oops, there was a puddle in the middle of the closet floor! Evidently the cool air has been coming down and the world warm air had been going up! And it resulted in condensation. Sigh…
So now, my dear husband insulated a new trap door, and yesterday he had to scoop out all the wet insulation and dispose of it. He has put up some of those pink insulating boards, but later in the spring, we will have somebody come and blow in another layer of insulation, which we've been meaning to do for a long time.
So the cat saved us a bigger mess than we had! And I'm taking the opportunity to sort all the baskets of stuff that were sitting on the shelves that I hadn't looked at for a couple years. Goodwill here we come!
So that's been the beginning of our new year. I hope yours is going well.
I enjoyed the holidays, especially an evening music concert on the 22nd at our church. Beautiful music and so lovely to see all the decorations. But I'm very happy just getting back to sort of normal.
My new historical novel came out on January 14 and I hope you will take a look at this Lone Star Courage series. If you're interested in history, and a sweet romance where a very deserving couple find their happily ever after, Trusting His Love is for you. My next 2025 book to come out will be another historical. It will be the first in another series where I weave imaginary characters through authentic history, bringing the time, place and its conflicts alive! Talk to you in February—Lyn
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