Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Hello, January by Merrillee Whren

January 2025 is nearly half over. January can be warm or cold, depending on where you live. I live in southern Arizona, and January in this part of the world is not especially cold. January in the southern hemisphere brings with it warm, if not hot, temperatures. We occasionally get snow in the valley, but that is rare. We definitely get snow in the nearby mountains, as you can see from the photos above. Southern Florida has a warmer winter climate than southern Arizona. We recently enjoyed those two sunsets while in southern Florida near the beach as we took in a few warm days.

In January, people think about new beginnings. Some make resolutions or goals for the new year. In my book, A Match to Call Ours, my heroine Brittany Gorman is definitely looking for a new beginning. She has recently lost her job and broken up with her boyfriend of eight years. It is time for a new start, and it's January in Montana, where you find lots of cold and snow. You can find buy links for this book by clicking on the title of the book above. 

Here is a photo taken by a friend who lives in western Montana.

I lived in Montana when I was in elementary school. I walked to school in some really cold weather, dressed in so many clothes I looked like the Michelin Man. We skated, sledded and built snowmen. We had a great time in the cold, cold weather. Now I choose to live where the winters aren't so cold. I like to see snow once at Christmas and then not again unless it's in the mountains near us. Here is the snow we experienced in Massachusetts just before Christmas.

So whatever your weather is in January, enjoy this beginning of a new year and be sure to check out A Match to Call Ours, the first book in my Front Porch Promises series.

What kind of January weather are you having?

Merrillee Whren is the winner of the 2003 Golden Heart Award presented by Romance Writers of American. She is married to her own personal hero, her husband of forty-plus years, and has two grown daughters. Connect with her on her Facebook page and sign up for her newsletter.

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