Monday, June 24, 2024

I Prayed For Your Children by Pat Simmnons


I recently returned from a family vacation in Portugal. Our plane arrived at Lambert International Airport in St. Louis, Missouri at about nine at night. All the gates were empty as travelers had already departed for their destinations.

As passengers from my flight made our way to the mostly deserted baggage claim area, a group of youngsters stood out near the USO (United Service Organization) office.  This wasn't a field trip or drill. 

The "youngsters" stood erect, in formation, under the direction of a tall, imposing uniform commander. I called them youngsters because, in my mind, they were children, some barely looking old enough to be teenagers. 

Although they stood to the side, they stood out. Making my way to the carousel for my luggage, I  tried not to make eye contact with them for fear of distracting them and causing them any disciplinary action.

Men and women sign up to protect and serve. Maybe this was a summer camp as a prerequisite for an ROTC program. 

I got my luggage and walked outside for my ride. At the curb was an over-the-road bus, engine running. Within minutes, I watched as the same group of youngsters, in a single line, hurried to board. Their bus ride would no doubt take them to Ft. Leonard, Missouri, about two hours away from St. Louis, where those who enlist go for basic training. 

As I watched them load up, God whispered to me to pray for them, and I did until the bus drove off. I prayed for their safety if they decided to serve. I prayed they would mature into responsible adults and would be proud of their accomplishments, that they would never see combat (despite the conflicts in the world), and that they would have family and friend support.

They may be out of sight, but my mind has recorded the date stamp for me to never forget. Those "youngsters" who are our future will forever be "my babie***

Pat holds a B.S. in mass communications from Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts, and has worked in radio, television, and print media for over twenty years. She is on the Christian Book Lovers Retreat (CBLR) board as a publicist. Visit her at

Check out her newest release in the Intercessors series: DAYS ARE COMING at intercessors.

I’m coming for the children.
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