Sunday, May 9, 2021

Mother's Day... by Christine Bush


A salute to all Mothers, where ever you are.

Some present, some angels, some living real far.

A salute to the grannies who might have our back,

Who sit babies, drive sports runs, use wisdom and tact.

A salute to the aunties and gracious best friends,

Who stand in and stand up with love with no end.

A salute to pet parents,  who love those with fur,

Or feathers or fish tanks, and keep them secure.

A salute to our moms who have hearts open wide,

With step kids, adoptees, and fosters, with pride.

A salute to our moms whose loss has been great,

We feel you, we love you, we share in your ache.

A salute to so many, whose moms have now passed,

We cherish the memories  each day til the last.

Let’s celebrate life, and the love we have shared,

Salute to the many who’ve shown us "Mom care".

Thank you, Moms!  Happy Mother's Day to all!

Best, Christine



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