Sunday, May 31, 2020

So What's a Sweet Street Team????

If you look above this post, you'll see a tab that reads: SWEET STREET TEAM. So what is that all about? What's a  SWEET STREET TEAM anyway? If you are adventurous, why not click it? If not, here's what it begins with:

"The Sweet Romance Reads authors have created a Facebook page where we will post an invitation to review our books"

So do you read a lot and like to post reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, etc? If so, here's an opportunity to receive free books to review.

Of course, you are not required to write a review. 

But our members write great sweet romance contemporary, historical and inspirational romances--why wouldn't you want to review them?

So click the SWEET STREET TEAM link above  and then join our group on Facebook. Why not?--Lyn Cote

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