Friday, December 27, 2019

Making Snowflakes by Margaret Daley #sweetromance

Making Snowflakes by Margaret Daley

Can you believe there is a day for making cut out snowflakes? That is—December 27th. I guess that’s because winter has just started and a lot of the world will get snow during the season. But making snowflakes isn’t with ice or water but with paper. So, I decided to see what kind of snowflake I could make. I have seen some beautiful ones made out of paper.

Here is my attempt: 

I’m surprised that I could actually make a neat snowflake. If I can, anyone can, following the instructions this YouTube video has at: I hope to show my granddaughters how to do some of the elegant ones.

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Examples of ones on sale:


  1. Margaret, making snowflakes is such a fun and clever idea. I will definitely try this with my 5 year old granddaughter.

    1. Josie, have fun. I have with my granddaughters. One especially likes to make them.

  2. There are some complicated cuts to some of those I've made snowflakes before but not with cuts like that! I do have a book that has the pages where you can tear them out, fold and cut them. (I don't tear them out. I copy them and then cut. I wanted to keep the book for a later time.)The book starts out easy and gets harder.

    1. Beverly, I hope to do more and find ways to stiffen them.

  3. Very cool, Margaret. Thanks for sharing the directions!

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