Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Surprise visit ~ by Magdalena Scott

Last week I received a phone call from one of my husband’s cousins. She and her hubby were in town, and wanted to get together for a little visit. This was a delightful surprise because (a) they live in California, and I had no idea they were in Indiana, (b) since becoming a widow, it’s a treat for me to still be included in such things, and (c) these people are so incredibly interesting!

Making sure they didn’t mind climbing a long staircase, and that they weren’t drastically allergic to cats, I directed them to my abode. My giant closet was—and still is--in a sad state of explosion, so I didn’t give them the entire tour of the place. They did, however, get the current complete tour of standing in the center of my studio apartment. Yes, the whole tour, including up and down the stairs, takes just a few minutes. (As an aside, I am happy to report that Attila was more pleasant than usual. Evidently he was having an off evening.) 

After the tour we went back down the stairs and walked a couple of blocks to one of the nearby restaurants where we had a long talk and delicious supper. 

What a wonderful visit! They have been several places this summer, learning lots of new things and becoming reacquainted with family they don’t see often. Talking with them made me feel the same way I feel when I read their Christmas letters: They have a full and happy life because they love learning, travel, and people. 

No matter where we are, it’s the reaching out and really taking time with others that matters, isn’t it? Which is why I spent a few minutes just now playing Ice Cube Hockey across the hardwood floor with Attila. I hope he’s keeping track of these life lessons!



Magdalena Scott writes sweet romance in small town settings. You can find her on her website, blog "Welcome to Magdalenaville," Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.


  1. Lovely post. I so enjoy company, too. What a nice surprise, to have these visitors! And I love the image of ice cube hockey with your kitty. :)

  2. How sweet of them to call on you like that! The joy from a visit can last a long time after they've gone.

  3. Thank you, Julie, Aileen, and Lyn! I had a similar surprise today, from one of my husband's best friends who was visiting the area. Busier social life than usual for me. :) BTW, highly recommend ice cube hockey.
