Monday, September 11, 2023

Remembering September 11: A Day of Remembrance, Unity, and Resilience by Josie Riviera

September 11 serves as a solemn reminder of the tragic events that unfolded in 2001. It's a day that forever changed the course of history and left an indelible mark on countless lives. As we approach its anniversary, let's reflect, remember, and honor the spirit of unity and resilience.

  1. Let's pay tribute to the courage, compassion, and selflessness displayed by first responders, ordinary citizens, and volunteers who stood as beacons of hope. On that day, we learned that we are strongest when we stand together.

  2. In the aftermath of September 11, communities rallied to rebuild and heal. The resilience demonstrated by survivors, families of the victims, and the nation as a whole was truly remarkable. Many of us remember where we were when we heard the news.

  3. May we honor the memories of the fallen by spreading love and embracing the strength of our shared humanity.

And, I'm thrilled to share Seeking Fortune, my 99 cent Kindle Countdown, with you this month.

★★ Do you love British inspirational Regency romance? Seeking Fortune is a faith-filled, clean, sweet, and wholesome story. Fall in love with heartwarming romance filled with delightful characters, Romany Gypsies, faith in God, and the promise of a second chance. ★★

A Golden Pen Winner, Seeking Fortune also received over 6000 nominations on Kindle scout.

There are lies more believable than truth.

Valentina, my heroine, a Romany woman, reads palms.

Palm reading, also known as palmistry or chiromancy, becomes a catalyst for self-reflection and discovery in my characters’ lives. As her fingers trace the lines on the hands of the hero, he contemplates his own strengths, weaknesses, and deepest desires.

The life line symbolizes resilience and vitality, reflecting the challenges they’ve overcome. The heart line hints at their capacity for love, reminding of the tender emotions that beat within. The head line offers insights into their intellect and thinking patterns, while the fate line offers a glimpse into their potential paths.

Grab your ebook copy of Seeking Fortune today before price goes up. Available on ebook, paperback, large print paperback, hardcover, and audiobook.

FREE on Kindle Unlimited.

Josie Riviera is a USA Today bestselling author of contemporary, historical, and inspirational romances that read like Hallmark movies. She lives in the Charlotte, NC, area with her wonderfully support husband. They share their home with an adorable Shih Tzu, who constantly needs grooming, and live in an old house forever needing renovation.

Sign up for her newsletter and get a FREE ebook on her website:


  1. Yes said a prayer when I woke up today

  2. I won’t ever forget that day and the precious people that lost their lives.

  3. September 11, 2001 is a day I will always remember. Although I live many miles from NYC, I was at volunteering at a charity event where one of the participants lived in the city. Seeing the horrors unveiled on the television along with his very real heartbreak are visions that are forever implanted in my memory.

    1. I well remember that day, too, Mary, and exactly what I was doing. We will never forget.
