Saturday, October 19, 2024

The Power of Presence: Kindness in Unexpected Places by Merri Maywether

Acts of kindness can be as simple as offering a listening ear, a helping hand, or simply your presence. Sometimes, the most meaningful acts of kindness are those that require no grand gestures or expensive gifts.

As a school librarian, I've had countless opportunities to witness the power of kindness firsthand. Last month, a student approached me asking for help with precalculus. I’ll admit I was intimidated by the request. It’s been a while since I’ve had to use a calculator beyond the basic functions. But I was willing to try. I sat down beside him, my gut twisting beneath the humility. 

My mind stretched in preparation of the mental gymnastics, expecting promblems like the one in this month's picture. I had the computer primed for tutorial videos and did a little stretch for those dashes to the math room for a quick refresher lessons. 

Every time, by the time I had the first digits entered, the kid had finished the problem. I never had a chance to use the calculator. It was obvious that he didn’t want my help–he wanted my gift of affirmation. 

First I had to balk that he didn’t need me. Then I high fived and cheered for every problem until he was done. (Whew) 

It was a powerful reminder that sometimes, the most valuable gift we can give is our time and attention.

In this month's blog, I'm sharing Taryn and Chase’s story. They’re the characters in Paradise Hills Trick or Treat. Taryn, a former model turned physical therapist, moved to Paradise Hills to be closer to her family. 

Having endured a long hospital stay herself, Taryn is comfortable spending her free time playing with or working on crafts with the children who are there for long-term illnesses.

The theme of the story is "trick or treat," as Chase, her love interest, is initially fooled by her appearance. But as he gets to know her, he discovers a compassionate and caring woman who is truly a treat.

This story highlights the importance of taking the time to truly see and appreciate the people around us. And to remember that giving of our time is an act of kindness that is packed with many gifts that are truly appreciated. 

Want to know more--maybe even read Paradise Hills Trick or Treat?

This link will take you to your favorite online retailer. |PH Trick or Treat|